Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Especially for "Wednesday With Words"

Think about this great quote about 'conversation' from Caring For Words in a Culture of Lies, a wonderful little book recommended by my friend Tina in Colorado:
Words are entrusted to us as equipment for our life together, to help us survive, guide, and nourish one another.... A large, almost sacramental sense of the import and efficacy of words can be found in early English usage, where conversation appears to have been a term that included and implied much more than it does now: to converse was to foster community, to commune with to dwell in a place with others. Conversation was understood to be a life-sustaining practice, a blessing, and a craft to be cultivated for the common good. (p. 2)
How excited I was when I began to read this book a few days ago and realized that someone else had been thinking about the historical and root meaning of our word 'conversation.' I just recently researched the etymology of the Latin conversatio since I was using the term to name what we are hoping to do at the Harvey Center! As I wrote there a few months ago: "the most important factor in developing the minds of our young people is to provide them an atmosphere of learning in humility to God. It is a life that must be modeled and passed on with love and care. This best happens in a place like a family, or a small school, where the student is known and loved as a whole person. We want to encourage the parents and other members of the extended family to study along with their students, and to read and discuss great literature together." Yes, we want to encourage thoughtful, life-changing conversatio!

During the Middle Ages the term conversatio morum was used by the Benedictine monks to refer to their life of constantly turning together toward God.  Conversatio morum is a vow to a continual change of heart, a daily reshaping of the mind and heart according to God’s will.

I like to think of the idea behind our English word "conversation" by focusing on the meaning of the Latin, conversatio:  a constant turning together, a way of life. To quote again from McEntyre's book, Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies:
When we converse, we act together towards a common end, and we act upon one another. Indeed, conversation is a form of activism--a political enterprise in the largest and oldest sense-- a way of building and sustaining community. (p. 89)

The Whirligig Is No Place For a Life of Love!

Over the years I've sought true fellowship with other Christians, but have found that this is very difficult. It is much easier to do things with non-Christians, because it seems that Christians are always very busy doing "important things." There are always so many good reasons for people to be rushing around. I realize that most people are on the 'merry-go-round' so that they can find people to talk with, but there isn't much opportunity for true conversation there. Yet, when you stay off the "merry-go-round" of constant go-go-go, life then gets very lonely. You watch all of your potential friends speeding past you on the whirling platform, while you enjoy the sunshine and the picnic table all by yourself. Perhaps you can wave and throw a few words of encouragement as they speed past, but that's about it. Some say that you must work side be side on the whirligig in order to have an opportunity for more exchanges.

The Latin term  conversatio means  a life of thoughtfulness, or a process of turning an idea around with others. Its roots mean: con (cum) with & versat turning around. The word came to mean turning ideas and thoughts around with each other. I've always thought that a truly thoughtful "conversation" is one of the most exciting things in the world, especially when you can get to know the people with whom you are conversing. This inspires your own mind and heart to grow and improve.  It inspires creativity and action!
Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly beloved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a s a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
~  Ephesians 5: 1-2             

In light of this verse, should we reconsider the way we live? I've often wondered how we can justify rushing about from one activity to another, primarily to make sure that our children progress in their careers. Leaving very little time for developing relationships with others. It seems to be very hard for us to put free time with nature, books and people at the top of our list. There are endless projects that we feel must be done, and they will always get in the way of living a life of love. But if we provide ourselves time for study, prayer, and reflection on God's wonders, we will be overflowing with praise, will develop sensitive hearts, and be able to practice love for others more and more. What better 'project' could there be?